Stockholm Saxophone Quartet winter 2022
Photo: Johannes Bergmark
About Us

The Stockholm Saxophone Quartet

The Stockholm Saxophone Quartet, formed in 1969, has made a speciality of chamber music for saxophone – by composers from at home and abroad. They also specialise in advanced electro-acoustic music. The members of the Quartet have had over 700 works written for them.

A recurrent feature of their work is the close collaboration they undertake with Swedish and foreign composers, as well as with the composers of the future, particularly at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. The members of the Quartet hold seminars, take part in concerts and work together with artists in genres other than their own. This approach to their work has meant that their style and skills have rapidly developed and theynow belong among Sweden’s foremost interpretative artists in their particular, very wide- ranging, field. The Stockholm Saxophone Quartet is driven by an irrepressible desire continually to test and go beyond the boundaries of what is considered possible in artistic terms. They often perform at international festivals, in opera houses and concert halls.

The studios at Stora Ängby Allé in Bromma house offices, rehearsal rooms and provide the opportunity to make studio recordings. But it is just as important that the Quartet’s home in Stockholm serves as a meeting-point – for musicians, composers, artists, choreographers and writers. Seminars and educational activities will be held there, together with conferences of various kinds, discussion evenings and concerts on a smaller scale.

The focal point for contemporary music which the Quartet is creating in Bromma is also intended to be a springboard for new and artistic endeavour, both at the Swedish and the international level. The members of the Quartet are veteran travellers – they have toured throughout Europe (e.g. the Baltic countries, France, Greece, Spain, Russia, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine and Albania) and performed in USA, Japan, Israel, South Africa Egypt, China, Mongolia, Turkey, Bolivia and Iran. In their travels, the members of the Stockholm Saxophone Quartet present Swedish music to the wider world and bring home with them new musical encounters and experiences to share with the Swedish audience. Since 2016, the Stockholm Saxophone Quartet has arranged and produced Svensk Musikvår, a week long festival presenting Swedish contemporary music in Stockholm. The festival has come to be a unique and yearly manifesto for contemporary music and it is supported by Sweden’s most important cultural institutions.